Friends of Dentistry (formally AzDENPAC)—Fighting for Dentistry

Every year, insurance companies and third parties look to introduce legislation that does not have your interest or your patient's interest in mind. They spend tens of thousands of dollars on lobbyists to ensure they get a piece of your profession. And the truth is, they aren't going to stop because dentistry is too lucrative.

Do you know who looks out for you and dentistry? We do.

AzDA and the ADA spend more labor hours and resources advocating on your behalf than all other dental associations combined. AzDA has an entire group of volunteer dentists whose sole purpose is to protect your profession: the Council on Government Affairs. Each year, they invest over 250 labor hours defending dentistry in Arizona.

Look, you don't have the time, energy, and connections to fight insurance companies, government overreach, and third-party intervention, but you know SOMEONE has to do it.

If AzDA (and your colleagues who are AzDA members) are fighting on your behalf, can we count on you to support our efforts by just maintaining your membership?